Aldersbridge Navigator
Find a Way to Better Health
The Aldersbridge Navigator was developed to provide comprehensive, coordinated services to enroll, screen, educate, communicate, monitor, and refer elderly Rhode Island residents to the right community and professional services at the right time.
Our Vision
All older individuals have access to exactly what they need to be healthy and comfortable at home for as long as possible, and their families also experience this security.
Our Mission
To enhance the seven domains of well-being* among those being served through information, education, guidance and access to health and social services.
*Identity, Contentedness, Security, Autonomy, Meaning, Growth, Joy
Our Values
Regardless of their current or past circumstances, every person will:
• Improve well-being and health security
• Have access to healthcare
• Live where they prefer, to the extent that their safety, and the safety of others allows
• Understand how to keep themselves healthy, to the best of their abilities
• Know about local social network options
• Know when and how to access urgent care

For Older Adults, Family Members, and Friends
The Aldersbridge Navigator helps older adults to navigate the complexities of applying for affordable elderly housing, finding quality medical and health services at home or in their community, or receive guidance with any elder issue. The goal of the Navigator is to help people throughout Rhode Island live safely and comfortably in their own homes for as long as is medically or physically possible.
The Navigator team works with all of the resources and providers in the state including doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, human service agencies, and others to make sure that older adults get the services they need, as efficiently and inexpensively as possible.
Confused by the complex and fragmented medical and social care system?
The Aldersbridge Navigator can help!

For Providers
The Aldersbridge Navigator is a professional education and referral resource for every community in Rhode Island.
We are a collaborative resource focused on the needs of some of the most vulnerable seniors in our state.
The Aldersbridge Navigator strives to connect older adults with the medical, healthcare, and community-based services that will keep them as healthy as possible – in their homes or in congregate care – for as long as possible.
Looking for a community-based partner to help secure the safety net for vulnerable seniors?
The Aldersbridge Navigator can help!

For Insurers
The Aldersbridge Navigator is able to improve outcomes, quality of life, and satisfaction among beneficiaries as well as measurably reduce unnecessary, expensive medical events and episodes among the most vulnerable, high-frequency users of medical and behavioral health services.
Through our high-touch, high-tech community-based approach, the Aldersbridge Health Navigator is in a unique position to identify risk before it spirals out of control.
Looking to reduce risk among your most vulnerable seniors with multiple comorbidities?
The Aldersbridge Navigator can help!