Meet Kara’s dad.

Late one night, while living in an elderly housing apartment, he wandered off on a 5-mile walk and eventually ended up in the hospital. He was taking medication for dementia, and his ability to care for himself had significantly declined. Kara and her family knew it was time for him to find an assisted living facility. “Dad could not afford most of the places we checked out,” she said. “Happily, we heard about The Loft at Linn and put a down payment on an apartment. It’s a blessing for him and for our family. Now we don’t have to be worried all the time about his safety.”

The Loft at Linn is an affordable assisted living memory care community newly created by Aldersbridge Communities.

“If it weren’t for The Loft, where would Kara’s dad go?”

Kara is not alone in her quest to find safe, affordable, quality memory care. Her situation is one of the reasons why we created The Loft at Linn: a place for older adults living with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive conditions who also need assistance with bathing, toileting, eating, walking, taking medication and getting out of bed or a chair.

New beginnings
Earlier this year, Aldersbridge Communities tried to save Linn Health and Rehabilitation nursing home from financial loss but, sadly, had to close the doors due to lack of adequate government Medicaid funding.

Strengthened by supporters who donated to our “Save Linn” campaign, we mobilized with a look to the future, transforming the nursing home into 22 private studio apartments for low-income older adults – just like Kara’s dad – who need assisted living memory care.

We need your help to bring The Loft at Linn Assisted Living memory care to those who need it most.

Your generous donation will directly impact the lives of low-income elders and their families by:

  • Funding renovations so we can be open to 22 additional residents by adding a third floor of apartments
  • Supporting staff training in the latest memory care advances
  • Offering cutting-edge therapies, a sensory room and meaningful activities to promote cognitive health, well-being and engagement
  • Providing care for residents with limited financial means
  • Funding support services for families and caregivers
  • Enabling ongoing program development

How You Can Help

1. Make a one-time donation to support The Loft at Linn’s development
2. Become a monthly donor to sustain our ongoing programs and services
3. Consider a legacy gift to ensure The Loft’s impact for generations to come

The Loft at Linn isn’t just a program – it’s a promise to our community that no one facing memory challenges will be left behind.

You can help transform the landscape of memory care in our state.


Your Support Makes a Difference
Every contribution, no matter the amount, brings us closer to realizing  our vision for The Loft at Linn and its future.